People Management
317 whitepapers and resources
People Management
Redefining business resources: Financial services & insurance
In this whitepaper, we take an in-depth look at the challenges facing the financial services and insurance sector, and how the evolution of the workforce is redefining business resources to meet these challenges head on.
Virtual teams delivering real-world results: Introducing the vRRI
Covid-19 has changed the way we work – definitely in the near-term and possibly forever. This whitepaper looks at how organisations can apply Rapid Results Initiatives to the world of virtual teams and deliver real-world results.
Virtual teams delivering real-world results
Rapid Results Initiatives (RRIs) are team-based, problem-solving, change-driving machines, which were originally developed by Schaffer Consulting. With teams working remotely for the foreseeable future, this article looks at how organisations can apply RRIs to the world of virtual and remote teams.
Essential safety considerations for essential workers
While non-essential businesses are closing or significantly reducing activities to keep more people at home, essential businesses look for ways to keep their workers safe and healthy. This article highlights the challenges of the current operating environment for essential businesses.
Responding to Covid-19 in insurance operations: Four key stages to accelerate recovery as the "future of work" is redefined
The insurance industry is experiencing seismic shifts in day-to-day operations stemming from Covid-19, but early signs of longer-term trends are also starting to emerge. Based on questions from insurers, this paper focuses on four key stages to accelerate recovery as the future of work is redefined.
Cyber security in the time of coronavirus
Many businesses are now planning for or actively implementing a business model involving far more remote workers than they had ever anticipated. This article provides advice on good business cyber security practices and key areas to consider when planning or deploying remote working capabilities.
Taking a holistic approach to health and wellbeing
This article highlights how introducing a holistic wellbeing policy can help to substantially reduce the costs associated with absenteeism, whilst providing risk managers with the evidence they need to get the issue of health and wellbeing on to their board’s list of priorities.
Training made easy
To ensure your customers have 24/7 assistance when facing issues related to cold weather, home emergency insurance is the obvious, cost effective choice. ARAG’s new EduMe training module can talk you through all the benefits of our cover in helping customers resolve stressful domestic emergencies.
The ability pay gap
Analysis by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reveals the pay gap between disabled and non-disabled employees in the UK. In this blog, Lesley Attu, Product Development Manager at ARAG sheds light on the findings and highlights some key points to emerge from the ONS report.
Insurance in the Age of Instinct
Genpact partnered with The Future Laboratory to understand the world insurers will operate in tomorrow. This report lays out the significant shifts insurers must make to succeed in this changing world, whilst adapting to new technologies, emerging risks and constantly changing consumer behaviours.