People Management
316 whitepapers and resources
People Management
Brexit: How will the EU Settlement Scheme affect employers?
In this article, Hannah Thomas, Markel Law’s employment law solicitor, summarises the EU settlement immigration scheme in place for European Economic Area nationals, Swiss nationals and their family members who wish to continue living in the UK after 30 June 2021 and what it means for employers.
Required immunity: Can I force employees to have the Covid-19 vaccine?
It’s hard to imagine a word cloud for 2020 without the word “vaccine” in it, and 2021 is proving to be little different. This content focuses on whether employers can require employees to be vaccinated before returning to work, and potentially dismiss them, if they refuse.
Before and after Covid-19: Reimagining work with automation
The old way of working has gone forever, and we are entering a new normal. Based on research produced by Blue Prism in association with CIONET, this report focuses on the contrast between work in the pre and post Covid era and the change imperatives facing the C-suite.
Cyber: Unlocking opportunities for insurers and brokers in a shifting market
The Cyber Risk Survey conducted by Post in association with CyberScout provides some great insight into claims activity and changes in the cyber landscape. This spotlight sheds light on how insurers and brokers can help their customers to assess and mitigate potential risks to their businesses.
How have cyber risks changed since the Covid-19 pandemic started?
In 2020, the cyber risk landscape changed drastically as a result of Covid-19 and the mass migration of employees to remote working environments. Based on feedback from cyber risk specialists, this spotlight sheds light on how cyber risks have changed over the past 12 months.
AI for the masses: Why intelligent automation is the missing link
Organisations in all industries have made investments in AI to re-shape their business models, but many have struggled with getting the ROI they expected. This whitepaper focuses on why intelligent automation just may be the missing link for business teams who are desperate to automate and innovate.
Virtual Christmas parties create new risks for employers
Companies need to consider new risks when hosting virtual Christmas parties, while being aware that normal employment hazards can still happen online. This content highlights three areas of risk that employers should consider before outlining a simple four-point plan to help avoid problems.
How digital workers can complement human underwriters and enhance the customer experience
This content focuses on why many insurance companies are turning to intelligent automation to support existing underwriting functions and leverage the value of data. Download this article to discover how digital workers can complement human underwriters and enhance the customer experience.
Redefining diversity for growth and resilience in insurance
In today’s business landscape, the definition of diversity has been broadened to include diversity of talent and ideas, supply chain, geography and operations, and digital fluency. This content focuses on how insurance companies can embrace five vectors of diversity to drive growth and resilience.
What is HMRC's guidance for extended furlough?
On 10 November 2020, HMRC published full guidance on the extended Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, also referred to as the Furlough Scheme, which has been extended to 31 March 2021. In this article, Hannah Thomas, Solicitor, Markel Law, highlights four key changes relevant to employers.