1144 whitepapers and resources
Blog: The Insurance industry has a data management problem
The rise of new InsurTech companies is threatening incumbents who fail to digitally transform their business. This blog post highlights why insurers need to accelerate innovation and update their data management practices, so they too can unlock the opportunities that data and new technology offer.
Webinar: How can brokers develop their schemes business?
Today more than ever, brokers have an opportunity to grow their schemes and secure more business. In this webinar, our expert panel provide advice to brokers on how you can align your schemes proposition with your customers' requirements to grow your business.
Modernising the market: How Lloyd’s of London is grappling with the task
Modernising a 300-year-old London insurance market is a feat many thought almost impossible. Yet, a year into its modernisation strategy, Lloyd’s of London is again proving its appetite for development. This article sheds light on the details of Lloyd’s modernisation strategy.
Back to the future of fuel
A year on from our feature, 'The future of fuel', which focused on electricity, we're going on a return trip to look at a few alternative solutions: hydrogen, biofuel and solar power. This guide highlights why insurers need to be prepared to accommodate whichever solutions become the prime choices.
Scheme Smart: How to get your delegated authority up and running
Schemes and delegated authorities continue to be a crucial element of the market landscape. However, for every successful scheme there are countless others that have failed. This whitepaper outlines how brokers can give themselves the best chance of delivering a successful scheme.
Webinar: Has the promise of digital actually delivered better outcomes for insurance customers?
Beyond the hype surrounding digitalisation, has much changed in insurance over the past few years? In this webinar, our expert panel discuss the extent to which ‘positive rhetoric’ is translating into better outcomes for insurers and their customers.
Video: Are you scheme smart?
In the first episode of our revolutionary documentary series with Axa, Scheme Smart, Gresham chief underwriting officer, Robert Munden and Axa director of schemes and delegated authorities, John Heaney discuss how brokers can get their delegated authority up and running.
Legal expenses insurance: Are you making the most of this opportunity to differentiate yourself?
Legal expenses insurance is now a key part of the business proposition for many insurance brokers, but are there sufficient levels of understanding? To gain a greater understanding of the sector, Insurance Post and LEI provider ARAG recently conducted a major research project with brokers.
Improving detection of commercial insurance fraud
Based on recent research conducted by Post in association with CRIF, this spotlight focuses on what the industry can do to improve fraud detection within commercial lines, including data sharing opportunities and better collaboration between insurers and brokers.
Law and disorder: How the legal profession is adapting to the millennial generation
By 2020, millennials will make up more than one-third of the global workforce. This whitepaper sheds light on how law firms can compete for the next generation of talent and how they can attract, motivate and retain this generation of workers.