
222 whitepapers and resources


Electric opportunities for total loss claims

Getting motorists behind the wheel of an electric vehicle for a real-world experience could help overcome barriers to adoption. This article highlights why insurers should consider providing EV replacement vehicle options to customers whose vehicles are deemed a total loss.

What pushed up the price of EV premiums?

Analysts say insurance claims costs are 25% higher for electric cars, and that they also take about 14% longer to repair than a diesel or petrol equivalent. This article explains what pushed up electric vehicle motor insurance premiums plus what it will take to make cover more affordable again.

Holiday from hell - Part three: Valet parking

How can vehicle owners make sure they do not fall foul of bad valet parking practices? In this article, Phoebe Callender, senior legal adviser at DAS Law clarifies the legal position of valet companies entrusted with the care of customer's vehicles while they are away on holiday.

Better motor claims are no accident

The new Consumer Duty requires insurers to ensure reliable replacement vehicle offerings with dependable secondary suppliers, consistently meeting consumer expectations. This article outlines how innovative secondary suppliers can improve end-to-end incident management, benefiting all stakeholders.