Business Management
2111 whitepapers and resources
Business Management - White papers related to Business Management
Claims spotlight: Selecting the right TPA partner - Sourcing
When it comes to working with a third-party administrator for property claims, how far should an insurer go? This spotlight focuses on the options available to insurers and some key factors to consider when selecting the right TPA partner.
Transform your data in three steps
This short paper outlines how insurance providers can transform their data based on three simple principles - aggregation, enrichment and validation.
Ransomware: Addressing the challenge to cyber insurance
Cyber insurance loss ratios have been rising, jumping 10 percent in the past year alone with ransomware the main culprit. This blog outlines how cyber insurers can address the challenges posed by ransomware in order to maintain profitability and achieve reasonable loss ratios.
Homing in on property risks through building characteristics and claims
As the use of perils data has become ‘the norm’, risk analysis in home insurance needs to move on to the next level. This blog highlights how data attributes based on property characteristics, and more granular details of past claims could provide the answer for home insurance providers.
Creating customer-centric service with AI and automation
The truth is that many organisations, in their attempt to become more customer-centric, have actually become channel-centric. Read this white paper to find out how your business can turn rhetoric into reality by using automation to put customers first.
Infographic: How digital brokers provide better advice
Digital brokers are emerging as proactive risk advisors, using technology to support the risk management advice that they provide to their customers. This infographic highlights how digital brokers can leverage technology to showcase their expertise as trusted client advisors.
What will finally start the electric vehicle revolution?
In this whitepaper, AX Automotive present their findings from their recent electric vehicle survey of 2,200 drivers and share their thoughts on the key changes required to increase electric vehicle adoption.
Six steps to simplifying service
With an ever-increasing number of channels available and rapidly shifting customer expectations, achieving frictionless service isn’t easy. This guide provides six key steps for simplifying service experiences.
Creating a strategic advantage in insurance with intelligent automation
Going beyond what was possible with traditional RPA, intelligent automation is the strategic advantage you need in a competitive insurance landscape. This white paper will help to show how automation can be used as a strategic driver and critical tool in key areas of your business.
Transforming the way customers buy insurance over the phone
Leveraging value from InsurTech to drive innovation into transformation and ultimately competitive advantage in the current climate is a theme across the insurance industry akin to the Oklahoma Land Rush of 1889. This content provides advice to insurers on which areas to capitalise on first.