Business Management
2117 whitepapers and resources
Business Management - White papers related to Business Management
Keeping business policyholder data secure builds loyalty and brand awareness
Widespread data breaches in the United Kingdom are impacting businesses of all sizes and across every industry. Download this whitepaper to find out how organisations can best protect themselves and their valuable employee and customer data in the event of a breach.
In Focus: Risk management and legal expenses
There are things brokers can do to help SMEs protect themselves from legal expenses. Sam Barrett finds out what in the final part of the series.
Customer-centric differentiation in insurance: Meeting the data challenge
The insurance ecosystem, rocked by disruptive technological and competitive forces, has changed forever. Based on in-depth research, this report sheds light on how insurance companies are readying themselves for customer-centric differentiation.
Feature: Gadgets of the future
Innovations are bringing new technology into our lives at an almost frightening pace. Post has pulled together a selection of the latest gadgets to hit the tech fairs, which could become mainstream in the future, and asked connoisseurs across the industry what the insurance implications might be.
In depth - Social Media: Where do insurers stand on the use of social media data?
In November, social media firm Facebook pulled the plug on Admiral’s flagship app First Car Quote within hours of its launch. This article studies the implications for insurers and their use of social media data.
Insurtech start-ups: Funding the future
Insurtech start-ups have a range of options to fund their business: from private equity to crowdfunding, from partners to business angels, from incubators to accelerators. Post’s article assesses the different options available for insurtech start-ups.
In Focus: Business interruption and the broker
Business interruption is a potential problem for any SME. In this two page article, Sam Barrett learns how brokers can soothe the pain of having to stop work.
Spotlight motor data: Taking today's customers into the fast lane
Having grown up in the internet age, Millennials have very different expectations to previous generations. Young people are getting into the driver’s seat and motor insurers need to understand how to build a relationship with them. Download this article to find out more.
Moving beyond the regulatory stick: Evangelising data improvement in insurance
The insurance industry is going through a significant period of change with tightening regulation, consolidation and the advancement of the digital agenda. This paper focuses on how data improvement initiatives can be a critical enabler to rising to the challenges facing insurers today.
Escape of water: The causes and influencing factors
According to the ABI, escape of water causes approximately £2million worth of damage every day. This article explains how implementing simple measures may prevent escape of water incidents from occurring and reduce property claims.