Business Management
2117 whitepapers and resources
Business Management - White papers related to Business Management
Making the complex simple: Smart claims fraud detection
Reducing fraud losses is a high priority for insurers, with the market recognising they must contain fraud as a ‘managed risk’. But how can insurers work smartly to detect claims fraud? This article sheds light on how claims fraud indicators can be grouped into four main areas to improve detection.
An update to how insurance premiums are calculated
Customers may not appreciate the wide range of factors that insurers must consider when calculating premiums. This article provides advice to brokers on how to communicate premium changes to their clients by highlighting the key factors impacting separate business lines.
Supply chain resilience starts with good data
Most supply chain disruption could be prevented with good use of data, says Adriano Lanzilotto of FM Global.
The key risk trends of 2016
2016 was a tumultuous year. But sometimes you have to look back to move forward. This article examines what measures businesses should put in place now to define clear risk mitigation strategies and take informed action over the coming year.
Video: What young people expect from insurance
Featuring a collection of interviews, this video highlights how young adults in the UK regard their online lives and how this impacts their preferences when it comes to purchasing insurance.
Spring Budget 2017 – how will it affect businesses?
Philip Hammond took centre stage to deliver what will be the last ever Spring Budget. This article discusses what the Spring Budget 2017 could mean for brokers’ customers.
How can the insurance industry maximise marketing spend in a capital constrained era?
Insurance marketing professionals are under increasing pressure to attract new customers and retain existing customers. This article provides a summary of Post’s roundtable where experts discussed the barriers to achieving a single customer view and the opportunities to improve cross-selling.
Reason Magazine 2016: Issue 2
2016 was a year characterised by severe flood events around the globe. FM Global has prepared a special report to show how we are addressing the perils of flooding and ensuring client operations remain uninterrupted. Read this and insights, news and opinions from the world of risk management.
Assisting fire fighting with emergency folders
Extensive fire detection or sprinkler systems may be helpful in dealing with a fire, but a simple cost-effective risk document can also have a real impact on how a fire is tackled at your customers’ premises. This article highlights why an emergency folder is a vital fire-fighting tool.
How customer data can be better leveraged by insurers and brokers
Based on research conducted by Post in association with Visionware, this whitepaper focuses on how insurers and brokers can make better use of policyholder insights to achieve a single customer view and improve cross-selling.