Business Management
2117 whitepapers and resources
Business Management - White papers related to Business Management
Three drivers added to the FM Global Resilience Index
Newly updated for 2017, the FM Global Resilience Index now includes three emerging drivers of resilience – rate of urbanisation, cyber risk, and supply chain visibility – to rank the relative resilience of countries to business disruption.
Scenario Based Training harnesses the power of “What if…?”
The “It can’t happen here” mindset can be hard to overcome, but FM Global is encouraging plant operators to think about loss prevention in new ways and increase their preparedness with Scenario Based Training programmes.
Spotlight vehicle technology: Steering technology
The technology in your car is accelerating at an incredible pace. Can insurers stay in the fast lane and get the most out of the changes? Download Post's article to find out more.
Spotlight vehicle technology: Maintaining the system
With 40% of vehicles set to be fitted with ADAS systems by 2020, the maintenance and calibration of these systems is a cause of concern for insurers. This article focuses on the implications for the insurance industry in terms of road safety, liability and vehicle repairs.
How landlords can prevent cannabis farms
‘Cannabis farms’ – is a risk all landlords should be aware of, as it can often lead to significant property damage and loss of rental income. This article discusses the scale of the problem, the common warning signs of cannabis cultivation, and the steps landlords can take to manage the risks.
Digital attacker: A blueprint for insurers
This whitepaper focuses on how insurers can disrupt the market by creating their own disruptive strategies through digital and data.
Broker Apprentice 2017 - Episode three: The brewery risk management challenge
In this episode, both teams visit Fuller’s in London with the challenge of tapping into the best risk management practices on offer at the brewery. They then have to pull together a presentation and craft a pitch to persuade the Axa experts that the brewery is a client worth having.
How should CFOs prioritise their risk management investments?
FM Global study reveals how resilient (or not) CFOs were to the operational risks that harmed their businesses in the last five years.
Building resilience in politically fragile countries
Political instability is likely to be a prominent feature in the global risk landscape for the foreseeable future. This article provides advice to multinational organisations on how to build resilience when operating in politically fragile countries.
Driverless cars – Ten unanswered questions
A recent Zurich broker panel identified driverless cars as the technological advance that most interests brokers. But will these vehicles actually be driverless, and what could they mean for businesses and the insurance industry? This article explores ten questions brokers may be asking.