Business Management
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Business Management - White papers related to Business Management
Covid-19: Solutions for business resilience
Few businesses could have foreseen or planned for the impact of Coronavirus. This content focuses on how businesses can mitigate the immediate impact of Coronavirus whilst also preparing for the future.
The pandemic exploit: Cyber criminals ramping up phishing attacks amid Covid-19 crisis
Produced by AXA XL, this article looks at how cyber hackers are taking advantage of the Covid-19 pandemic to wreak havoc and how companies can effectively communicate the heightened threat and the need for extra vigilance to employees.
Infographic: Operational resilience reimagined – How the insurance industry can unlock the opportunities
The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has put operational resilience firmly on the board level agenda of insurance companies. This infographic highlights the factors shaping today’s business landscape, key risks to consider and areas where insurers can focus on to accelerate their resilience efforts.
Adaptive framework to manage risk during Covid-19
The rapid evolution of the Covid-19 crisis is forcing organisations to constantly evaluate how they are responding today. This content highlights how insurance leaders can utilise an adaptive risk assessment framework to assess operational risk quickly and address business critical priorities.
Motor Mouth podcast ten: From car salvage to the future of work – what is the future of motor insurance?
In this podcast, Insurance Post’s director of content, Jonathan Swift and Neil Joslin, chief operating officer, E2E Total Loss Management discuss how the motor insurance sector will adapt to the challenges being presented at the moment, from car salvage to the future of work.
Guidelines for meeting customer expectations with innovative insurance products
Technology is mature enough today that meaningful change for even complex lines of business is within most insurers’ reach. This white paper focuses on how insurers can leverage new technologies to meet customers’ expectations and beat the pace of change.
How can insurance organisations benefit from intelligent automation?
Claims, back-office administration, policy administration, fraud prevention, compliance and customer services can all be transformed through Intelligent Automation. This e-book outlines specific use cases for deploying Intelligent Automation within the insurance industry.
The protection of unoccupied industrial plants
It is sometimes necessary for production facilities or industrial plants to be fully or partially shut down or operate with reduced staff. This article highlights precautions businesses can take to ensure the proper level of protection in these facilities is being maintained at all times.
Cyber security in the time of coronavirus
Many businesses are now planning for or actively implementing a business model involving far more remote workers than they had ever anticipated. This article provides advice on good business cyber security practices and key areas to consider when planning or deploying remote working capabilities.
How to identify disinformation around Covid-19
During times of crisis, the growing demand for information and clarity creates opportunities for spreading disinformation. To help combat disinformation campaigns, this article shares six tips for identifying disinformation in the news and social media.