188 whitepapers and resources
Webinar highlights: Exposures facing the haulage sector post Covid-19
This five minute video provides highlights from ARAG's recent Talk to the Experts webinar about the challenges and legal exposures facing the road haulage industry, in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdown.
Webinar: Exposures facing the haulage sector - post Covid-19
View the full recording of ARAG's webinar on the challenges and legal exposures facing the road haulage industry, in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdown.
LexisNexis Vehicle Build service to give UK insurance providers vehicle safety data insights
Motor insurance providers across the UK can now start testing LexisNexis® Vehicle Build, a new solution to better evaluate specific Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) to support pricing and underwriting. Download this blog to find out more.
Legal expenses survey analysis: Beyond the add-on
Coral Insurance, a new specialist legal expenses insurance provider recently sponsored a broker market survey in partnership with Insurance Age. In this article, Coral Insurance’s Will Price discusses why the industry needs a revamped range of modern legal expenses insurance propositions.
Motor LEI research report
How will products and prices evolve in motor legal expenses insurance after the implementation of the online injury claim portal? This report sheds light on the findings of a joint Insurance Age and Coral Insurance Services survey.
Counting the cost of cancellations: The power of data in predicting insurance cancellations
Based on research conducted by LexisNexis Risk Solutions, this blog highlights the impact of insurance policy cancellations, factors which increase the probability of future cancellations and how insurers can leverage cancellations data to make price adjustments to mitigate the risk and costs.
Fleet telematics: Improving commercial driver behaviour and fleet safety through technology
Despite the best efforts of fleet safety managers and company risk managers, accidents still happen. In this article, Chris O'Neill, Associate, North America Environmental Risk Consulting at AXA XL sheds light on how telematics can help companies to significantly improve fleet safety.
Infographic: Four in ten drivers believe they can use the same no claims discount on multiple vehicles
Based on research conducted by LexisNexis Risk Solutions, this infographic highlights the tactics used to mislead motor insurers and why drivers need to be aware of the risks of supplying inaccurate information to their insurance provider.
Webinar: Micro mobility and the transport models of the future
Tackling the big questions laid out in the Department for Transport’s Future of Transport Report, an expert panel featuring representatives from the RAC Foundation, Delta EE, Zego and Axa discuss micro mobility and the transport models of the future.
Webinar: How does the motor insurance industry react to the coronavirus outbreak?
In this webinar, an expert panel discuss: what contingency plans have been put in place by the motor insurance industry to react to the Covid-19 outbreak; the impact on the wider motor supply chain; the potential impact upon the adoption of electric vehicles and autonomous driving.