805 whitepapers and resources
ESG Spotlight: Can SME commercial insurers drive profitable growth with ESG data?
ESG continues to act as a catalyst for change, with its reach having extended to the UK SME sector. In this spotlight, CRIF’s Sara Costantini sheds light on what this means for SME commercial insurers and whether they can use ESG data to better assess risks and create a competitive advantage.
Why asbestos should be in the conversations at renewal
Asbestos-related diseases still claim around 5,000 lives annually, and up to 1.5 million UK buildings may contain asbestos. This article highlights the increasing risk to the many contractors not exposed to the height of the asbestos crisis in the 1970s and 1980s.
Underinsurance and indemnity periods: Key considerations for SMEs
Lockdown saw a shift in attitude among small and medium-sized business owners, with more than half reducing insurance cover to cut costs. Even now it remains a challenging market for businesses. This article outlines the key considerations for SMEs regards underinsurance and indemnity periods.
Creating specialist schemes
In this video, Andy Talbot, director of marketing, broker and schemes, talks about ARAG's approach to setting up specialist commercial and personal schemes for brokers, insurers and MGAs, to cater to the needs of clients in a specific market niche.
ESG Spotlight: Ethics, talent and underwriting profit - how ESG can help insurers
Although most insurers are not yet fully embracing ESG in working practices, a group of UK insurers are showing best practice – from pricing and underwriting to staff motivation and community investment. This spotlight sheds light on how ESG can help insurers.
Reflecting on the government’s foray into the professional indemnity insurance market for fire safety assessors
In the wake of the government’s short-lived intervention into the professional indemnity market for fire safety assessors, this article looks at how effective it was and whether problems persist today.
Infusing GenAI into insurance
Generative AI (GenAI) could revolutionise the insurance industry. Insurers unprepared for significant changes and new value sources may miss out on its potential. This paper highlights GenAI's most impactful opportunities and demonstrates its real-life applications in the insurance sector.
Are you ready for commoditised insurance’s slow death to speed up?
Forget about products – Felix Schachter, insurance advisory leader at Tata Consultancy Services, says you need to focus on your customers and the value you can offer them to stay relevant in today’s rapidly evolving insurance market. Read this content to find out more.
What pushed up the price of EV premiums?
Analysts say insurance claims costs are 25% higher for electric cars, and that they also take about 14% longer to repair than a diesel or petrol equivalent. This article explains what pushed up electric vehicle motor insurance premiums plus what it will take to make cover more affordable again.
Fraud Spotlight: Working together to prevent insurance fraud
The fight against insurance fraud is a complex and multifaceted challenge that requires a concerted effort across the market. This article highlights the barriers to effective collaboration and how disparate elements can be aligned to create an effective market-wide fraud prevention strategy.