Technology Trends

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Technology Trends

World InsurTech Report 2021

The World InsurTech Report 2021 from Capgemini and Efma explores the impact of exponential InsurTech growth and customer adoption on the insurance industry. Discover how insurers address this trend and should prepare for two scenarios we predict in the InsurTech era.

Speed to market

The pandemic has underlined how quickly people and business worlds can change, and with it their insurance needs. The question is, are insurers nimble enough to pivot at the same speed to meet these changing requirements? Download this content to find out more.

Working together for the future of insurance

The unprecedented challenges of the last 18 months have drastically shifted the insurance market. Read on to discover the three areas you need to focus on if you’re to grow and thrive in the “next normal”, and how PayPal can help turn the obstacles you’re currently facing into opportunities.