Technology Trends

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Technology Trends

Buzzwords vs capabilities: Deciphering insurance cloud solutions

Insurers can benefit from embracing SaaS insurance cloud solutions that streamline operations, enhance agility and provide reliable services. However, understanding the technical landscape can be challenging. This blog demystifies some of the buzzwords and clarifies the attributes of key frameworks.

2025 UK construction trends industry report

UK construction appears to have turned a corner as we head into 2025. This report considers the key trends that are influencing the market’s prospects and impacting construction insurance risks, from the small tool theft epidemic to the technologies leading the sector’s digital transformation.

Bridging the insurance talent gap with AI

Today’s insurance industry is thriving with innovative technologies and next-generation products. But a shrinking headcount due to retiring baby boomers and a shortage of younger workers could jeopardise a bright future. This podcast explores how AI can help carriers bridge the insurance talent gap.

AI and insurance: Hype or reality?

AI’s central place in the future of insurance is secure. After much hype, when can insurers start reaping the benefits and how can they prepare for the future? This blog sheds light on how AI has already impacted parametric insurance and how AI could soon reshape the future of home insurance.