
333 whitepapers and resources


The journey to GDPR compliance

With GDPR now in full effect, business must lay out a clear plan to progress from their current privacy level to the desired compliance level, a task requiring immediate attention. This guide focuses on the next steps businesses can take to ensure compliance and good data practices in the long run.

GDPR has arrived - Now what?

With accountability as the new principle, GDPR requires that organisations not only comply in a sustainable manner but also demonstrate compliance on an ongoing basis. EXL's infographic highlights the steps you can take to achieve and demonstrate compliance both today and in the future.

Half year review 2018

As we enter the second half of 2018, Neil Clutterbuck, Allianz chief underwriting officer, takes stock of some key industry topics and considers how these may develop. Topics covered: the Civil Liability Bill; Hackitt report; terrorism; broker market consolidation; ABI pricing principles and Brexit.