401 whitepapers and resources
Gone fishing: The use of data protection subject access requests by claimants
We are seeing potential claimants, using subject access requests increasingly to try to obtain information about a claim prior to proceedings being raised, without using the formal court procedures. This article looks at the implications for potential defendants.
Video: Unbreakable bundles - How to sell insurance add-ons
In this video, Lesley Attu, product development manager, ARAG, talks you through what you need to know about “unbreakable bundles”, ahead of the upcoming FCA changes.
Intellectual property: Protecting bright ideas
It is a sad fact that most businesses only appreciate the value of intellectual property insurance once it is too late. So why is it vital? Post's article highlights the value of intellectual property coverage, especially for smaller organisations.
Managing legal costs in claims - Data overload
This report provides advice to insurers on how to ensure the effective management of legal spend to deliver a healthy loss ratio and general client satisfaction. The report highlights how insurers can achieve better value for money by leveraging high quality data.
Forum shopping: Louisa Docherty & Ors v The Secretary of State for Business Innovation & Skills [2015] CSOH 149
This article provides information on the Scottish Court of Session’s judgement on a case concerning forum shopping by claimants and highlights the issues insurers ought to be aware of in disease claims, particularly in cross-border cases.
Asbestos: The toxic truth
Although some say the legal landscape is less adversarial, the number of asbestos disease claims is rising – but are insurers as guilty of drawing out the process as they stand accused? Post's article investigates.
Legal update - Insurance Act: A brave new world
The Insurance Act will demand a change of underwriting culture to reduce the risk of litigation. Download Post's one page article to find out more.
The voice: Issue 2 2016
Produced by FOIL, this newsletter covers the latest developments relevant to the insurance lawyer community. Topics covered: small track limit for personal injury claims; fraudulent claims; Parliamentary round-up; cost of large bodily injury claims; fixed costs in clinical negligence.
Review of the year: Legal
For insurance lawyers, 2015 has been marked by the Medco portal going live in a sustained effort to reform whiplash claims. But the year has also seen major rulings regarding aggregation, costs and rates, all expected to have wide-ranging implications. Download Post’s Legal review of the year.
The voice: Issue 1 2016
Produced by FOIL, this newsletter covers the latest developments relevant to the insurance lawyer community. Topics covered include: autumn statement claims reform; Enterprise Bill amendment; Riot Compensation Bill update; third party assistance and claimant’s portal costs.