
401 whitepapers and resources


In-depth: Repair costs

Is the insurance industry being forced to subsidise road repair? This article focuses on industry concerns over extortionate bills submitted by Highways England, including £4,700 for a paint spillage and £46,000 for a barrier repair.

Legal collective actions: The ins and outs of opting out

The Consumer Rights Act enables actions to be brought on an opt-out collective action basis, meaning competition law claims can be brought on behalf of a clearly defined cohort of claimants save those who take the positive decision to opt out. This article highlights the implications.

Taking contaminated land out of the equation

When it comes to the clean-up of contaminated land, responsibility can often sit with the owner of the land or even the occupier of the site. This article highlights the value of contaminated land insurance and the options for purchasers if a search identifies a potential contamination issue.