
159 whitepapers and resources


FOIL Update on Brexit after the referendum

The political ramifications of the Brexit vote still have a long way to run, and the commercial and financial consequences will not be known for some time. But what happens now? FOIL’s Update highlights the insurance industry’s initial response and the UK’s position following the referendum vote.

CII policy briefing: Cyber and the City

A report on cyber risk 'Cyber and The City', argues that firms across the industry need to take urgent action on cyber risk to ensure the UK continues to be a secure base for the world's leading financial centre. This briefing provides a headline summary of the key aspects of the report.

The Insurance Act 2015: An implementation guide

The Insurance Act 2015 is a real game changer for the industry and will govern every business insurance contract placed, renewed or amended under UK law on or after 12th August 2016. The essential aim of this guide is to equip brokers to cope with the challenges posed by the new regime.