
73 whitepapers and resources


Automating insurance reconciliations in 2021

In 2021, insurers must focus on being both digitally-enabled and data-driven in order to remain competitive and succeed. This content focuses on how an end-to-end automated reconciliation solution can deliver significant cost reductions for insurers whilst making spreadsheets a thing of the past.

No-code financial controls and reconciliations

Insurers accept the need to invest in future infrastructure, however they are less willing to accept the significant time scales often required for initiatives to be delivered. This paper looks at how no-code financial controls and reconciliations remove these challenges and provide agile solutions.

Automated insurance reconciliations

Reconciliations are a vital part of the insurance industry, yet many firms still use manual tools such as Excel to perform these key financial controls. This content sheds light on how AutoRek’s feature-rich reconciliation software solution can help insurers transform their reconciliation processes.

Infographic: The future of finance is here

Research from EXL reveals that 69% of CFOs see the role of the finance leader fundamentally changing in 2020 and beyond. This infographic sheds light on the transition to a modern finance model geared towards improving performance, and how finance leaders can evolve and thrive in a digital world.