
76 whitepapers and resources


Three ways to keep your suppliers on side

B2B payments are a key part of any business, but until now the sector has been relatively untouched by innovation. This blog highlights why it’s time for insurers to look at alternative payment methods to ensure their suppliers are paid quickly, easily, accurately and on time, every time.

Pushing nat cats up the chain of command

When a business is hit by a natural catastrophe, the impacts can be severe – property loss, business interruption, supply chain failure & reputational damage. But it’s not only risk managers who bear the brunt – it’s often the CFO who shoulders the responsibility of explaining what went wrong & why.

The need for payment alternatives is now

Against a backdrop of uncertainty, this eGuide focuses on why businesses need to find alternative payment methods today. Topics covered include the essential requirements of payment alternatives, how CFOs can tackle supplier payment challenges and create smart working capital.