Insurance Post

Insurance Post has, since 1840, been delivering business-critical information for the general insurance market. Considered essential reading by senior managers in the sector, Insurance Post’s strength lies in the breadth and depth of its coverage across insurance, broking, claims, technology and risk management.

D&O and cyber: C-suite cyber risks take off

US legal influences continue to impact on the UK directors’ and officers’ market – and that now includes the growing cyber threat. Post's article studies the impact of increased cyber breaches upon D&O claims and highlights five questions to help clients assess cyber risk in relation to D&O.

Supersonic cars: The need for speed

Ask a meerkat or a moustachioed opera singer for a quote for a supersonic car and you would be met with bewilderment and a rapid search for the exit door. Yet it is not as unusual a question as you might think. Post’s article looks at the risks and challenges associated with supersonic cars.

Review of the year: Legal

For insurance lawyers, 2015 has been marked by the Medco portal going live in a sustained effort to reform whiplash claims. But the year has also seen major rulings regarding aggregation, costs and rates, all expected to have wide-ranging implications. Download Post’s Legal review of the year.

Review of the year: Loss adjusting

The benign weather has resulted in fewer claims for loss adjusters in 2015, while a wind of change has blown over insurers’ panels and merger turbulence has reshaped the landscape. Download this article for Post’s Loss adjusting review of the year.