Business Management
2117 whitepapers and resources
Business Management - White papers related to Business Management
Roundtable: How will brokers stay ahead in business?
At a time when regulation and taxes are weighing heavily on their operations, brokers find they have to adapt to the digital age. At a Post roundtable, in association with SSP, they discussed how they can leverage new technologies to better serve their customers and thus stay relevant.
What is really driving the motor industry today?
With trials of driverless car fleets now occupying our national roads, the motor sector is getting an upgrade like never before, whilst new entrants are causing insurers to tighten their seat belts. What is really driving the motor industry today? Michèle Bacchus decided to take a closer look.
How can insurers and brokers help ICT clients tackle heightened risks?
The ICT sector in Asia-Pacific is booming with many companies experiencing rapid growth. This whitepaper sheds light on this buoyant sector and highlights how brokers can help ICT clients tackle heightened risks, whilst avoiding the perils of underinsurance.
Digital change is transforming the insurance industry & B2B payments
The insurance industry may historically have been largely hidebound by legacy IT, but change is afoot. This article briefly outlines how digital change is gathering speed in the B2B payments space and how insurers can benefit by improving their claims processes.
Financial firms learn to love customers by extending data analytics
Based on research conducted by Qlik and The Wall Street Journal, this whitepaper highlights how the insurance industry can better leverage established data analytics platforms by providing customer-facing staff with better access to analytical insights in order to improve customer satisfaction.
Size of social engineering attacks growing
“Social engineering” refers to a variety of methods used to obtain access, data or money through fraud. This short article sheds light on three types of social engineering attacks which are on the rise and the risks facing businesses.
How investment returns affect insurance premiums
Just as customers are affected by political and economic developments beyond their control, so too are insurers. This article aims to help brokers educate customers on the factors that can influence the size of premiums, including insurers’ investment returns.
Infographic: Good cyber security - the foundations
Cyber attacks are increasing in number, scale and sophistication, and pose a threat to all financial services firms. Is your firm capable of defending itself against cyber attacks? This infographic highlights effective cyber security practices and what you should do in the event of an attack.
The Insurance Act 2015 and Enterprise Act 2016 adaptation guide
The Insurance Act 2015 and Enterprise Act 2016 have prompted major change across the UK insurance market – the former having come into force in August 2016, the latter on 4th May 2017. Based on broker feedback, this guide provides a practical summary of surveyed concerns and potential solutions.
People risk: Well-being of mobile workforces
In a recent survey, Airmic found that while business travel has increased by 25% over the last decade, just 16% of UK companies said they had high confidence in their travel risk framework. This article explains why simply having an insurance policy is not enough to manage people risk.