Business Management

2117 whitepapers and resources

Business Management - White papers related to Business Management

Insuring thrills, chills and spills

This year, over 300 million people in the US will visit an amusement park, traveling carnival or other entertainment venue. This article sheds light on the potential risks associated with amusements, the importance of equipment inspections and how advances in technology are improving safety.

How can businesses prepare for Brexit?

Formal negotiations have begun to bring about the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union. Our latest roundtable event heard businesses’ concerns over Brexit and offered helpful guidance. This article looks at what the roundtable revealed about how you can prepare for the potential impact of Brexit.

In-depth: SME

From plumbers and electricians to vape shops and beauticians, some SMEs and sole traders are hard to reach, but complex and changing roles could present opportunities for brokers. Download Insurance Age’s latest SME In-depth to find out more.

Global catastrophe recap: June 2017

Impact Forecasting evaluates the impact of the natural disaster events that occurred worldwide during June 2017. Topics covered: convective storms impact US insurers; seasonal rainfall leads to nearly USD2.5 billion in economic flood damage in China; major wildfires hit South Africa and Portugal.