Business Management
2117 whitepapers and resources
Business Management - White papers related to Business Management
Trading in the United States – Risk, compliance and insurance factors to consider
Increasing globalisation, Brexit and the prospect of new UK/US trade deals are growing incentives for trade with the US. This article explores the important risk, insurance and compliance considerations companies need to make before taking the plunge.
Political risk insurance aids global infrastructure spending
In the volatile world of political risk, short-term crises can sometimes prevent much needed long-term investments. This article looks at how political risk insurance aids global infrastructure spending and the options available to help banks and emerging market investors mitigate risks.
Insurance jobs: New era, new skills
How is the InsurTech revolution impacting the insurance industry’s workforce? This article outlines how the new wave of technological innovations are impacting the industry, what roles are vulnerable to automation, what skills are sought after in the digital insurance age and top tips for employees.
Deep, rich and meaningful – Insurers see data and analytics transforming their business
LexisNexis Risk Solutions released a comprehensive study on how digitisation is affecting the UK insurance market today. Based on the research, this whitepaper examines differing attitudes between personal lines motor and home insurers towards data enrichment.
Commercial squatting
With squatting in commercial buildings on the rise, property owners need a robust approach to risk management to safeguard against potentially costly court fees and business interruption. This article provides risk management tips to commercial property owners and highlights key issues to consider.
A simple guide to underinsurance
This simple guide to underinsurance highlights the main causes within separate business lines and how brokers can play an important role in helping to eliminate underinsurance by offering their customers the correct support and guidance.
How can valuations help to avoid underinsurance?
Underinsurance is a common and persistent problem for the insurance industry, with incorrect or out-of-date valuations being a common cause. This article highlights the importance of valuation services and explores how valuations can add value to businesses.
The case for covering D&O in a global program
Expanding overseas adds a new dimension to a company’s risk landscape as companies need to comply with a diverse array of laws and regulations. This article sheds light on regional differences in corporate governance requirements and highlights the case for covering D&O in a global program.
Family cyber cover: Keeping policyholders safe in a connected digital world
Technology has reshaped the threat landscape for households. This whitepaper sheds light on why cyber protection is critical to help families offset the costs of cyber crime, three key issues that cyber cover must address and the essential components of a good product mix.
Blockchain and the insurance industry
The Blockchain Insurance Industry Initiative ‘B3i’, of which Zurich was a founding member, was launched to examine the potential advantages blockchain technology could bring to the insurance industry. This article explores the various applications blockchain could serve for the insurance industry.