Business Management
2112 whitepapers and resources
Business Management - White papers related to Business Management
Insurance industry perspectives and approaches to IFRS 17
IFRS 17 represents the most significant change in financial reporting for decades, but what does it mean for the insurance industry? This report sheds light on the insurance industry’s sentiment towards the IFRS 17 regulation and the steps organisations are taking to achieve compliance.
The connected insurer: Modernising insurance using analytics solutions built to harness the internet of things
This whitepaper explores how the internet of things (IoT) has the potential to radically disrupt the traditional insurance business model and modernise traditional processes, especially in how the sector assesses risks.
Is asbestos making a comeback?
This past June, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a proposed “significant new use rule” (SNUR) on asbestos. This article provides risk mitigation advice and highlights why liability fears will likely deter its use by design professionals.
Scheme Smart: How to future-proof your scheme
This final instalment in a three-part whitepaper on the schemes market looks at what steps can be taken to future-proof schemes and delegated authorities (DA) and what sectors brokers can look to for future growth.
European insurance - Key facts
This is Insurance Europe's annual Key Facts publication, which includes data on the European insurance industry for 2018. Topics covered: European insurance in the world; European premiums, claims and benefits paid; insurers’ investment portfolio; companies and employees; distribution channels.
A new business model for a new era of insurance: Digital Insurance 2.0 in the platform and API economy
Foundational and fundamental elements of the insurance business are changing and will require major adjustments in order to survive and thrive. This whitepaper studies the factors driving the new era of insurance and the impact of a shift in fundamental insurance business models.
Scheme Smart video: How to future proof your delegate authority business
The third episode of Insurance Age’s documentary series with AXA, Scheme Smart, focuses on what steps can be taken to future-proof schemes and delegated authorities and what sectors brokers can look to for future growth.
A BIBA brokers' guide to business interruption insurance
In this BIBA guide, our fourth and final for 2018, we look at the considerations required in the modern world when it comes to business interruption (BI) covers.
Safe travels: Don't be a kidnapper's easy target
In a volatile world, high profile, high net-worth individuals and organisations are favourite targets for kidnappers, while other criminals dabble in “express kidnapping”. This article provides some top tips for travellers and highlights the benefits of procuring kidnap, ransom and extortion cover.
Strategic priorities 2018: The Digital Insurance 2.0 Gap
The current state of insurance disruptors across people, technology and market boundaries is pressuring insurers to adapt and embrace new business models and opportunities. This whitepaper sheds light on the Digital Insurance 2.0 business model and why insurers must become digital insurgents.