Business Management
2112 whitepapers and resources
Business Management - White papers related to Business Management
One in five brokers has contemplated leaving the industry due to stress
The majority of brokers admit to feeling stressed at work, many feel overwhelmed by work pressures. Workloads, regulation and pressure to hit targets are contributing to mental health issues. Ecclesiastical lifts the lid on the mental health issues facing brokers across the UK.
Funding maintenance and maintaining an income
Maintaining heritage buildings is a must to future proof the properties but can be costly. In this article we look at the key considerations, challenges and opportunities when completing maintenance.
The road ahead for autonomous vehicles
It's only a matter of time until the majority of vehicles on our roads have some autonomous capabilities. Before this can happen, there are a lot of issues that need to be worked out to ensure safety and protect road users. Download this article to find out more.
#metoo and tribunal changes could create perfect storm for Christmas party claims
The rise of the #metoo movement and the abolition of employment tribunal fees could combine to produce a sharp increase in sexual harassment claims in the wake of this year’s round of Christmas parties. This article highlights ARAG’s four point plan to avoid harassment claims arising.
Infographic: Prefill for home insurance - Faster, accurate and preferable
Based on the results of a recent LexisNexis Risk Solutions survey, this infographic illustrates consumer attitudes to having their data shared to prefill home insurance applications.
Constructive conversations: Professional liability considerations when insuring modular construction
From healthcare to hospitality, many industries are embracing modular and prefabricated construction methods to potentially save time, reduce scheduling delays and improve overall quality. This article looks at the possible professional liability risks and the need for the right insurance.
Accelerating digital transformation in the insurance industry
The insurance industry is in transition, shifting from a traditional numbers-based industry to a high-tech industry driving customer experiences and outcomes. This report studies the factors driving change and the challenges that must be overcome for insurers to accelerate digital transformation.
Commercial property insurance infographic: Opening up to data enrichment and contributory databases
Lexis Nexis Risk Solutions’ recent survey revealed that commercial property insurance specialists recognise the potential for data to improve business processes. This infographic illustrates attitudes and perceptions of contributory databases and data enrichment.
Future trends 2018: Catalysing the shift to Digital Insurance 2.0
The next wave of growth and value creation for insurers will be from their ability to rapidly move to Digital Insurance 2.0. This whitepaper sheds light on the latest trends and why survival and winning will require rapid adaptability and innovation.
The impact of IDD on scheme creation and distribution
Our recent research revealed more than a third of brokers don’t feel fully prepared to meet the requirements of IDD, with only 8% of UK brokers saying they ‘know everything they need to know’. Designed for brokers, this guide looks at the impact of IDD on scheme creation and distribution.