Technology Trends
1472 whitepapers and resources
Technology Trends
Pragmatic AI for insurance
Insurance companies have a long history of using analytics, but the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has taken this to a new level. Based on research conducted by SAS, this whitepaper studies what the future will look like for insurance, as AI becomes more ubiquitous.
Securing the chain
At a recent event hosted by XL Catlin in Dublin, risk managers discussed their supply chain risk issues and heard from experts about ways to mitigate some of those threats and challenges. This article sheds light on the key takeaways from the event.
Advanced driver assistance systems: Is everyone ready?
As assistance systems are making cars safer, but also more costly to repair, insurers would love a database listing which features are fitted on which vehicles – but motor manufacturers aren’t sharing that information yet. Download David Worsfold’s article to find out more.
Blog: Personal and cyber - connecting the dots
Rather than the string of separate products that cover various digital risks, insurers should consider creating an all-encompassing personal cyber cover, writes James Tucker, smart technology manager at Allianz. Download this blog post to find out more.
Webinar: Mainstream or marginalised - Where is InsurTech?
Has the InsurTech sector lived up to the hype and are people more cynical or optimistic about InsurTech now compared with 12 months ago? This webinar looks at the major developments and trends in InsurTech.
GDPR Quick Start Guide
With the EU General Data Protection Regulation coming into effect in May 2018, MarkLogic Consulting has developed a GDPR Quick Start service. This guide highlights how the service will get you up and running with one of the most difficult parts of this regulation – evidence-based status of consent.
Are hotels and hospitality more vulnerable to breach?
The hotels and hospitality industry has built a business model of many contact points with their customers. However, the various touch points have left companies vulnerable to serious cyber breaches. This article highlights how companies can reduce exposures and ensure that they have adequate cover.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Are you ready?
With GDPR coming into effect on 25th May, the sooner businesses begin to take action to meet the regime’s requirements, the better prepared they will be. Designed for brokers, this guide focuses on the scope of GDPR, its key principles and the steps businesses should be taking now.
GDPR: A great catalyst for enhancing customer experience
Ahead of its implementation on May 25th 2018, GDPR is one of the top board agenda items of every impacted organisation today. This whitepaper highlights why the real beneficiaries will be companies that put customer experience at the forefront of their delivery plan and approach.
Reinventing insurance for the mobile generation: Will blockchain secure the future of insurers over the tech giants?
This whitepaper studies how blockchain technology offers the potential to break down many of the structural issues that have created frictions and a lack of trust in insurance markets. The paper looks at how blockchain can reshape the insurance landscape before assessing the challenges and risks.