Intermediary and Broker support

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Intermediary and Broker support

The threats and opportunities of autonomous ships

As autonomous cars feature increasingly in the headlines, it seems the world of shipping is not far behind, with various manufacturers and stakeholders turning their attention to the development of self-navigating cargo ships. This article focuses on the threats and opportunities presented.

Ecclesiastical Art Market Review

If 2017 has taught us anything, it is to expect the unexpected in the Art Market. Dr James Lindow, Underwriting Director, Art & Private Client at Ecclesiastical explores the sale of Da Vinci’s Salvator Mundi and the year’s other notable sales and trends in our Art Market Review.

The RAG, Issue 18 - May 2018

ARAG's bi-annual news bulletin covers the latest developments impacting the legal expenses insurance field. Topics covered: the spike in employment tribunal claims; legislative changes; whiplash reforms; insuring women’s legal futures; latest moves in sales and management; how to make a Will.

Cyber risk and education

We’ve recently conducted research that shows education establishments are no exception to the growing of concern of cyber risk. As a result of our research, we’ve put together some information to help schools protect themselves from cyber threats.