Intermediary and Broker support

898 whitepapers and resources

Intermediary and Broker support

Maintaining our mental health

Most people already understand that the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic reaches far beyond just the physical health of those who may have been infected with the virus. All ARAG business policyholders have access to our confidential counselling helpline. Download this content for more information.

SMEs and cyber risk - a ticking time bomb

Based on insights from Post’s SME Insurance Risk Survey, this article sheds light on why the take-up of cyber insurance among SMEs is so low, the perils of underinsurance and the biggest concerns among SMEs that might encourage them to increase their cyber cover through brokers or insurers.

Mock trial training document

Have you ever wondered what happens if a legal claim goes to mediation, or even to trial? Following on from ARAG’s commercial contract mock mediation and trial event, this training document includes the legal information provided by the claimant and defendant’s solicitors.