Intermediary and Broker support

898 whitepapers and resources

Intermediary and Broker support

Training made easy

To ensure your customers have 24/7 assistance when facing issues related to cold weather, home emergency insurance is the obvious, cost effective choice. ARAG’s new EduMe training module can talk you through all the benefits of our cover in helping customers resolve stressful domestic emergencies.

Motoring ahead on uncertain ground

In this blog, Tony Buss, Managing Director at ARAG, highlights the uncertainty facing the insurance industry in 2020 and why ARAG’s new Motor Complete product offers the broadest motor legal protection available for policyholders.

Video: Full session - Commercial mock trial

ARAG recently ran a commercial contract mock mediation and trial to show how the process works. This video contains the full trial session from start to finish. Watch this video to see how legal representation works, what you can expect from the process and how the judgment is delivered.

Video: Overview - Commercial mock trial

ARAG ran a commercial contract mock mediation and trial to show how the process works. If mediation is unable to resolve a dispute, the case may go to trial. In this video, BTE Claims Manager Heather Wilmot explains what to expect and how legal representation is provided for ARAG policyholders.

Video: Full session - Commercial contract mediation

Have you ever wondered what happens if a legal claim goes to mediation, or even to trial? Following on from ARAG’s commercial contract mock mediation and trial, this video contains the full mediation session from start to finish. For all the minutia and details make sure to watch this!

Video: Overview - Commercial contract mediation session

ARAG recently ran a commercial contract mock mediation and trial to show how the process works. In this video, ARAG’s BTE claims manager Heather Wilmot talks you through the mediation session, explaining how it works and why it is viewed as a positive first step in resolving a legal dispute.