
53 whitepapers and resources


The resurgence of reinsurance

Reinsurance plays a key role in the well-being of insurers and when managed adroitly provides critical solutions in the long term. This whitepaper focuses on the resurgence of reinsurance and three important considerations when managing reinsurance, especially during a time of crisis and change.

Intelligence: Protect Duty legislation

Protect Duty legislation has been touted as a way to reduce the potential for catastrophic events from terrorist attacks at publicly accessible locations, and it is likely to affect public and employers’ liability policies. This article sheds light on the latest developments.

Reinsurance intelligence: Turbulent times

January’s renewals saw reinsurers playing hardball not only in their pricing, but also in the structures of their clients’ reinsurance programmes. Insurance Post explains why the hardening market is not driven by a lack of capital, but by renewed underwriting discipline.