Technology Trends

1485 whitepapers and resources

Technology Trends

Allianz Risk Barometer 2019

Based on input from over 2,400 risk management experts in over 80 countries, the eighth Allianz Risk Barometer sheds light on the most important corporate perils for the year ahead and beyond. Topics covered include: biggest threats to UK businesses; top ten global risks; top risks for SMEs.

Blog: High-stakes cyber security

As high-profile, large-scale data breaches hit the headlines more and more regularly, the question of ‘cyber trust’ is becoming a key concern for increasingly discerning citizens. This blog post highlights why insurers must guard their customers' data wisely to maintain their trust.

Insurance reconciliation research

Out-dated and manually intensive collection and reconciliation systems have a stranglehold on the insurance sector, stopping companies from getting any satisfaction from the moving feast of payments. This whitepaper sheds light on how the industry is managing this financial merry-go-round.

The road ahead for autonomous vehicles

It's only a matter of time until the majority of vehicles on our roads have some autonomous capabilities. Before this can happen, there are a lot of issues that need to be worked out to ensure safety and protect road users. Download this article to find out more.

Future-proofing LEI

ARAG recently took part in a study to explore the design of products for the gig economy. This short article briefly highlights how ARAG applied learnings from the study to design Family Legal Solutions and Home Emergency Assistance products for hosting services on behalf of Acorn Insurance.