Cyber Risk
189 whitepapers and resources
Building trust: A fine balancing act
Faced with customers expecting easy, seamless digital access but amid rising levels of cyber-crime, brokers need to balance security with convenience. As part of Broker Week, this article looks at what brokers can do to ensure trust remains at the heart of their customer proposition.
How to protect customers from fraud
In this article, Martin Milliner, claims director at LV General Insurance, outlines the amendments lawmakers should make to the Online Safety Bill to protect the public and raise awareness of cyber crime.
Cyber risk - The impact on financial health and reporting
Cyber security has an increasingly vital role and impact on businesses. This blog focuses on why growing cyber risks should drive business leaders of all stripes to seek a better understanding of how cyber risk impacts financial health and capital management.
Small businesses need cyber insurance now more than ever
There’s a growing market need for cyber insurance for small and midsize businesses, but too few insurance providers offer policies and that should change. This content highlights why businesses of all sizes deserve the same security and peace of mind, and how cyber insurers can help.
SME cyber - Size does not matter in cyber attacks
A surge in cyber attacks on SMEs over the past two years is changing the misconception that cyber criminals only target large organisation. This article examines how insurers can increase cyber insurance take-up among SMEs.
Personal cyber - no longer just a HNW thing
A combination of remote working, online payments and exponential growth in interconnected devices means we are more exposed than ever to cyber risks. This article looks at the increasing demand for personal cyber cover and how the insurance market is responding.
Evolving role of reinsurance in a world fraught with cyber risks
As cyber security incidents continue to rise, how can insurers better understand which risks they are writing and the level of exposure they are taking on? This whitepaper highlights how the cyber risk landscape is changing and how reinsurance can help insurers to mitigate their exposure.
Cyber-attacks: A ‘when’, not an ‘if’
Managing cyber security is big business and a constant threat that is only ever increasing. In this blog, Ansvar’s cyber insurance experts share tips on how you can help yourselves and your policyholders minimise the risk of cyber crime.
C-suite broker: Focus on defence in cyber risks
Cyber risk is dynamic, difficult to contain and potentially very damaging to a business, yet we do not see sufficient attention towards real demonstration of ability to withstand an attack. This article highlights why it is crucial businesses test their resilience with regular attack simulations.
Blog: Managing the multiple facets of cyber risk
This blog looks at the challenges and past trends in the cyber market, and where they could lead to future decisions for those operating in this space. Topics covered: ransomware; geopolitical risk; human risk; the importance of taking a holistic approach.