400 whitepapers and resources
Half year review 2018
As we enter the second half of 2018, Neil Clutterbuck, Allianz chief underwriting officer, takes stock of some key industry topics and considers how these may develop. Topics covered: the Civil Liability Bill; Hackitt report; terrorism; broker market consolidation; ABI pricing principles and Brexit.
Why contractors big and small should protect themselves from pollution risk
Insuring one’s business from a possible pollution condition at a job site is now seen as a business essential for all types and sizes of construction and environmental contractors. This article highlights examples of a pollution condition and the types of cover available for organisations.
GDPR - developing best practice for obtaining consent
Following implementation of GDPR on May 25th, the UK entered into a new age of data protection. This guide focuses on best practice for obtaining consent before providing real world examples of the use of consent within the general insurance sector and seven practical steps brokers can take.
HSE Fees for intervention – The disputes process
The HSE claims it has always had a “proportionate dispute process” since it introduced Fee for Intervention (FFI) in 2012. This short article outlines the current context and what has changed since the HSE launched a revised FFI invoice disputes process in September 2017.
A changing legal landscape: Casualty and motor claims
This short paper summarises the principal legal risks facing the casualty and motor claims environment over the medium term. The challenges include the resetting of the personal injury discount rate, the effect of changes to EU motor insurance law and the ongoing evolution of vicarious liability.
The RAG, Issue 18 - May 2018
ARAG's bi-annual news bulletin covers the latest developments impacting the legal expenses insurance field. Topics covered: the spike in employment tribunal claims; legislative changes; whiplash reforms; insuring women’s legal futures; latest moves in sales and management; how to make a Will.
Underground storage tanks: Low threat doesn't necessarily mean "no threat"
No question about it, leaking underground storage tanks (LUSTs) are a threat to the environment, particularly to groundwater. This article sheds light on the nature and scale of the risks posed by LUSTs, and the implications for property developers looking to re-develop closed LUST sites.
Escalators: Staying a step ahead with health and safety
Little has changed in terms of the design of escalators since the late 19th century, meaning the same risks still persist today. This article considers the risks currently existing around escalators, the importance of maintenance and inspections, and what might lie ahead in the future.
Motor prosecutions: Protect your employees and stay within the law
Allianz has updated its whitepaper from 2014, providing an overview of driving offences, including drug driving, and the respective sentences, the impact on the driving at work policies, and risk management for those involved in the running of commercial motor fleets.
BIBA 2018 video: ARAG - The legal expenses provider, protecting businesses with more than just insurance
We were recently asked by BIBA to make a film about legal expenses insurance and how ARAG’s vision of delivering affordable access to justice is relevant to businesses. In this video, ARAG’s Underwriting & Marketing Director David Haynes, and Managing Director Tony Buss share their thoughts.