401 whitepapers and resources
The Banking Royal Commission of Australia: Impact and way forward
The final report of Australia’s Banking Royal Commission has highlighted a multitude of pressing issues in the banking, financial services and insurance industries. This short guide highlights the implications and how organisations can navigate the changing regulatory landscape.
Improving legal team effectiveness with digitised litigated claims information
Claim litigation depends on quickly and accurately extracting information from large volumes of documents. However, this is often done using obsolete approaches. This whitepaper looks at the steps insurers can take to restructure and digitise the claims litigation process to improve performance.
Why is directors & officers insurance important to technology companies?
Many company directors mistakenly believe they have no personal liability in regard to their corporate actions. This article highlights the importance of D&O cover for professionals working in the IT sector and lists four specific examples where cover is required.
Safety first: The importance of engineering inspection and maintenance
Failing to carry out both inspection and maintenance activities can lead to a catastrophic outcome for an organisation. This article focuses on why it’s crucial for employers to both maintain and inspect plant regularly, whilst ensuring robust risk management procedures are in place.
BTO eUpdate: Pursuers’ Offers in the Inner House
The case of Craig Anderson v John & Antoinette Imrie arose out of an accident on a farm in 2003, in which an eight year old boy sustained a head injury. The Inner House of the Court of Session has issued an opinion which provides some helpful guidance on Pursuers’ Offers.
Legal helplines buzzing as access to justice is cut
Legal aid is viewed as one of the three pillars of the welfare state vision. However, with access to justice being cut, research from ARAG shows telephone legal advice running at 85% higher volumes than five years ago. This article highlights why the need for helplines is unequivocal.
BTO eUpdate: The Damages (Investment Returns and Periodical Payments) (Scotland) Bill
Subsequent to its introduction to Parliament in June 2018, the Scottish Parliament’s Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee called for written submissions to be made on the terms of the Bill. This article highlights the latest developments relevant to the discount rate and periodical payment orders.
Parents warned over Fortnite and FIFA credit card spending in run-up to Black Friday
Parents are being warned that they could unknowingly be legally liable for some credit card expenditure that their children make using card details stored in games console accounts. This article highlights the potential risks and provides advice to individuals affected.
#metoo and tribunal changes could create perfect storm for Christmas party claims
The rise of the #metoo movement and the abolition of employment tribunal fees could combine to produce a sharp increase in sexual harassment claims in the wake of this year’s round of Christmas parties. This article highlights ARAG’s four point plan to avoid harassment claims arising.
The RAG, Issue 19 - June 2018
ARAG's news bulletin covers the latest developments impacting the legal expenses insurance field. Topics covered: underwriter failures; compensation culture; clinical negligence premiums; the Civil Liabilities Bill; industrial disease; events and charity fundraising.