401 whitepapers and resources
Video: Prospects of success
In this video, ARAG's Claims Operations Manager, Heather Wilmot, and In-house Counsel, Hector Stamboulieh, discuss the 'prospects of success' clause and why it is essential to the availability and affordability of legal expenses insurance.
Video: Your ARAG appointed solicitor
In this video, Claims Operations Manager, Heather Wilmot, and In-house Counsel, Hector Stamboulieh, explain how ARAG's ability to appoint specialist solicitors benefits our policyholders and makes legal expenses insurance affordable for families and small businesses.
Video: Day-one benefits
In this video, Broker Account Manager, Ben Parkinson, talks about some of the benefits that ARAG’s commercial policyholders have access to from day-one, that they can make use of, year-round, even if they never have to make a legal expenses insurance claim.
LEI on the rise - Increasing demand for commercial legal protection
In this video, Andy Talbot, Head of Sales and Marketing at ARAG, talks about the increasing demand the company is seeing for commercial legal protection and research the company has conducted into the broker market.
The consumer duty challenge
The FCA’s rules and guidance for a new Consumer Duty require insurers and brokers to put their customers’ needs first. In this article, Peter Blanc highlights why professional advice will be the only way insurance customers can ensure they will know what they are buying.
Legal protection proving value in tough times
Fiscal problems inevitably create legal ones, as disputes emerge over contracts, accounts fall into arrears and pressures generate conflict between employers and their staff. This blog highlights why legal protection is proving its value in tough times and how brokers can help commercial clients.
Intelligence: Protect Duty legislation
Protect Duty legislation has been touted as a way to reduce the potential for catastrophic events from terrorist attacks at publicly accessible locations, and it is likely to affect public and employers’ liability policies. This article sheds light on the latest developments.
EPL explained - Employment practices liability insurance
In this video, ARAG's Head of Sales and Marketing, Andy Talbot, talks about developments in the employment practices liability (EPL) market and explains the essential differences between EPL and standard commercial legal expenses insurance.
Supreme Court appeal in landmark holiday pay case funded by legal expenses policy
A Supreme Court judgment with far-reaching implications for staff who work irregular hours was supported by legal expenses insurance. This blog highlights how the decision in Harpur Trust v Brazel marks the end of an employment case that has been funded under an ARAG Group Legal Solutions policy.
Big employment wins are tip of an iceberg
A core purpose of legal expenses insurance is to provide access to justice to those who might otherwise be unable to afford it. This blog highlights why lower value employment claims cases are every bit as important as high profile claims and how ARAG has helped policyholders to achieve justice.