54 whitepapers and resources
The story of water: Essential and increasingly scarce
Over one billion people now live in water-scarce regions; by 2025, the World Bank estimates that as many as 3.5 billion people could face water scarcity. This article highlights the political risks associated with water scarcity and the challenges for companies operating in developing markets.
Political risk insurance and the Insurance Development Forum
Creating durable insurance markets within emerging market countries is critical to advancing stability. This article highlights how political risk insurance can be used to facilitate financing for crucial infrastructure projects and associated commercial development in emerging market countries.
Building resilience in politically fragile countries
Political instability is likely to be a prominent feature in the global risk landscape for the foreseeable future. This article provides advice to multinational organisations on how to build resilience when operating in politically fragile countries.
Drones: Unmanned Aerial Systems in the drilling industry
Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) or “drones” are quickly changing the way construction companies operate, and offer solutions to complex construction and safety challenges. This article explores UAS applications for the drilling industry, risk management considerations and available insurance options.
Trading in the United States – Risk, compliance and insurance factors to consider
Increasing globalisation, Brexit and the prospect of new UK/US trade deals are growing incentives for trade with the US. This article explores the important risk, insurance and compliance considerations companies need to make before taking the plunge.
Hurricane Andrew @ 25: Insuring more resilient property
Even today, 25 years later, Hurricane Andrew ranks as the fourth most expensive hurricane in US history. This article looks back at the widespread destruction caused by Hurricane Andrew, what lessons have been learnt and how risk modeling, loss prevention and construction methods have evolved.
Insuring against disasters - Florida's forgotten risk
When the last significant hurricane hit Florida, damage to pool screen enclosures accounted for 25% - 40% of the insurance losses. In this article, Wade Stier, Vice President and Underwriter of U.S. Property Treaty Reinsurance at XL Catlin, looks at this significant risk for insurers and reinsurers.
Redeveloping the urban core
With a preference for urban core working and living, America’s millennial demographic is causing us to rethink how we live and work. This article looks at the challenges associated with redeveloping brownfield sites into liveable, workable spaces and the role insurers can play in covering exposures.
Don’t let a storm blow away your profits this hurricane season
Protecting the bottom line in order to remain open, or to re open quickly after a hurricane disaster requires taking steps now to prevent or reduce damage, should your business be in the path of a violent storm. This article provides advice to businesses and shares links to external resources.
Global catastrophe recap: June 2017
Impact Forecasting evaluates the impact of the natural disaster events that occurred worldwide during June 2017. Topics covered: convective storms impact US insurers; seasonal rainfall leads to nearly USD2.5 billion in economic flood damage in China; major wildfires hit South Africa and Portugal.