We make customer-centric insurance a reality. Harnessing the power of AI to give you a complete picture of your customers, their lives and their businesses.
SAS analytics decodes customers, so you can treat them as people, not policy holders. It means you can give them the insurance they need. Before they need it.
Since 1976, SAS has been giving customers around the world THE POWER TO KNOW®.

The state of insurance fraud technology

The Coalition Against Insurance Fraud, in partnership with SAS, conducted its fourth study to better understand how insurers are using technology to detect and prevent fraud. This report sheds light on whether insurers are succeeding with anti-fraud technology, challenges faced and future plans.

Model risk management for insurance

As technology advances, the ability to analyse vast amounts of data is driving up the requirement within the insurance industry for well governed risk management models. This content highlights the implications for insurance providers and why a robust approach to model risk management is required.

Innovation in pricing: The need to adapt

As insurers innovate, those at the core of insurers’ pricing and underwriting strategies face a growing need to adapt. Post held a roundtable, in association with SAS, to examine what is driving innovation in pricing and what challenges those changes present.