177 whitepapers and resources
The protection of unoccupied industrial plants
It is sometimes necessary for production facilities or industrial plants to be fully or partially shut down or operate with reduced staff. This article highlights precautions businesses can take to ensure the proper level of protection in these facilities is being maintained at all times.
Property losses from catastrophes are getting worse: Data transparency and teamwork are key to reducing the risk
The increasing intensity of natural disasters and more unpredictable weather has made managing property exposures more challenging than ever. This article highlights how sophisticated technology and data analysis tools can help risk managers to proactively assess and mitigate property exposures.
In-depth - commercial: The property pressure cooker
Commercial property is facing hikes in premiums as insurers take a tough line on claims, whilst capacity is also reducing. Insurance Age’s article looks at the factors driving claims pressure and the steps brokers can take to weather the hardening market.
The product playbook: Guidelines for defining, planning and making the insurance products of tomorrow
Designed for property and casualty insurance leaders, this guide is intended to help P&C carriers prepare for a marketplace in which innovative, customer-focused product design and the speed at which those new products go to market – will define success for the leaders who plan accordingly today.
The future playbook: A handbook on what it takes for P&C carriers to shape and win the future
This guide is designed to help property and casualty insurance leaders prepare to take their first steps on a digital journey to a future defined by speed, innovation, and success. The guide studies the major forces shaping the P&C sector and the implications for how insurers need to respond.
Property perspective: Keeping equipment up and running
This article focuses on the current state of the equipment breakdown insurance market and how preventative measures are helping to protect facilities’ financial health, whilst keeping equipment up and running, and high-quality products out for delivery.
Fire: Environmental exposures and risk management
Every business has some form of environmental exposure and a fire just increases the potential for incurring environmental liabilities. Produced by AXA XL, this whitepaper focuses on the specific environmental exposures arising from fires and how businesses can mitigate the risks.
Water damage: An Aviva Risk Management Solutions guide for commercial clients
Water leaks can cause untold damage and disruption commercially – accounting for approximately a third of all claims by value. Produced by the Aviva Risk Management Solutions team, this guide to water damage provides advice on how to prevent and minimise the impact of water damage incidents.
Vlog with Jonathan Guard: Identifying location risk with property insights and perils data
In this video, Jonathan Guard, Commercial Insurance Director at LexisNexis Risk Solutions sheds light on how an increase in online quotations and automated underwriting is impacting commercial lines, before highlighting the new solutions available within the business and commercial property space.
To Asia with love
FM Global were involved at every stage of the construction of a new Hershey’s chocolate production plant in Southern Malaysia. From site selection, review services and project management, our engineering experience and WorldReach® partner network has opened-up new sales markets for the US company.