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Spotlight: Why we need risk management for everyone, not just the 2%
For over 200 years, the insurance industry has understood the benefits of risk management in reducing and controlling exposure. But in a world of evolving risks, the traditional way of making improvements through site surveys creates a fundamental problem, as RiskSTOP’s Nigel Raywood explains.
Spotlight: Insurance's regulatory burden - are we to blame?
Seemingly relentless waves of regulatory change are battering the insurance sector. This spotlight focuses on the increasing regulatory burden facing the insurance industry and to what extent firms themselves are to blame for failing to adopt modern technology and processes.
The cost of birth trauma
According to the most recent annual report from NHS Resolution, total clinical negligence payments relating to maternity failings amounted to £2.8 billion. This blog focuses on the cost of birth trauma and why improvements in maternity care are desperately needed.
2024 AI handbook for insurance leaders
AI will touch nearly every aspect of insurance - from broker operations to underwriting to risk management to claims processing and beyond. Insurers that adopt AI effectively will have an insurmountable advantage. This handbook is designed to help insurance leaders navigate the new AI territory.
Guest podcast: How AI transforms automation and workflows
The AI era is still young, but early adopters are already seeing the benefits. If you want to stay ahead of the game, it’s critical to understand AI’s trajectory. In this podcast, Gabby Rothschild, senior product manager at Appian, discusses the future of AI and the impact on work across industries.
Sexual harassment in the workplace - A time for change
Changes around sexual harassment at work become law on 26 October 2024. This article explores the implications for employers in respect of their duties regarding the prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace.
Why poor data analysis is holding back the London market
Lack of trust in the use of data-driven methods among most London Market underwriters is “the elephant in the room for any competitive insurer”. This article looks at why it’s high time the market addresses this issue.
Is technology the solution to property underinsurance?
This article explains why without technology insurers and brokers haven't got a hope in hell of knowing whether a property is underinsured.
Navigating a tight budget
With the new Chancellor putting her first budget before Parliament this month, it's unclear how much of the financial burden businesses will have to bear. Andy Talbot, director of marketing, ATE and broker sales at ARAG, discusses how firms can work around the outcomes of the upcoming Autumn budget.
Automated claims management: Three pillars of success
In contrast to traditional approaches, automated claims management systems optimise underwriting efficiency with advanced algorithms and machine learning. This blog provides some top tips on how to automate the claims experience for your customers including three key pillars of success.