Brokerage Management
839 whitepapers and resources
Brokerage Management
Research and development risks infographic: Ensure all risks are covered
Organisations involved in the research and development of biomedical and life sciences products or services require specialist cover. This infographic shows the importance of a tailored policy with specialist cover for property damage and business interruption to ensure that all risks are covered.
Guide to charity insurance
When it comes to charity insurance it's important to ensure your clients are covered for the specific risks they face. Designed for brokers, we've created a useful guide for you to share with clients to help them make sense of the various covers available and which of them they may want to consider.
Reaping big benefits from consolidated insurance buying
Given the ever-increasing pace of change and the growing complexity of business risks, there is a stronger argument for businesses to consider how they can make the most of their broker and carrier relationships and consolidate their insurance programs. This article sheds light on the key benefits.
Design professional insight: Top ten insurance myths
To help architects, engineers and other design professionals understand what professional liability insurance does and does not cover, AXA XL's Design Professional insurance team addresses some of the most common insurance coverage misconceptions.
A BIBA brokers' guide to security measures in today's world
In this BIBA guide, our third for 2018, we look at what needs to be kept in mind when developing security measures to defend a business's assets against both new and traditional threats, using tried-and-tested methods in combination with emerging technology.
Three quarters of heritage organisations and building owners found success in diversification
Diversification is a great way for heritage organisations to stay relevant, generate additional income and appeal to new audiences. There are many ways to diversify your offering, no matter the size of your organisation. Download this guide to find out more.
Mitigating conflicts of interest in the distribution chain
The distribution chain has attracted the Regulator’s interest for some time. The FCA has been carrying out an initial review of the wholesale market sector focusing on conflict of interest and distribution chain value. Download this article to find out more and the implications for brokers.
Brokers recognise importance of giving back
Ecclesiastical’s recent research has revealed that over three quarters of brokers (76%) feel that positive contributions from their business to society are important. We have put together some simple steps to follow to make community investment work better for you.
Half year review 2018
As we enter the second half of 2018, Neil Clutterbuck, Allianz chief underwriting officer, takes stock of some key industry topics and considers how these may develop. Topics covered: the Civil Liability Bill; Hackitt report; terrorism; broker market consolidation; ABI pricing principles and Brexit.
Motor breakdown cover for specialist vehicles
ERS has launched its brand new specialist breakdown service that’s designed specifically for your clients with specialist vehicles. This product guide provides information on our new breakdown service, available cover options, roadside assistance and the types of vehicle the cover is ideal for.