Risk Management
790 whitepapers and resources
Risk Management
Cyber-crime cited as number one concern by brokers
All organisations collect and store personal information. With cyber-crime on the rise it’s small to medium organisations with fewer resources that are most at risk. This article provides some helpful tips and useful resources to help minimise the chances of an incident.
A risk in every port
Reason magazine reveals the seven exposures that could jeopardise your cargo and disrupt your supply chain, and how to develop a loss control programme.
Unique loss prevention training and operations centre
FM Global’s loss prevention training and operations centre in Singapore set to help businesses prepare for natural disaster.
Directors and officers: Tough at the top - protecting your key people
A lot can change in two years, so we've taken a look back at our directors and officers white paper (originally published in May 2015) and amended it to reflect the altered legislative landscape companies are now working in.
Better business - SME: Shining a light on underinsurance
Underinsurance remains a perennial problem for SMEs and it is an area of renewed focus following changes to the Ogden tables. This article highlights why educating SME clients about the perils of underinsurance and advising them to take out appropriate levels of cover has never been more important.
UK flooding: Why wait for disaster to strike?
With flood events predicted to increase, UK businesses need a systemic strategy to protect property and ensure business continuity.
An interactive guide to reducing flood risk
Although the chances of flooding can’t be totally avoided, there are a host of measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of damage. This infographic gives tips on the simple measures building owners can take to improve property flood resistance and resilience.
Asset managers: Are operational risks keeping you awake at night?
Asset managers are facing new operational risks relating to technology and the increased amount of data collected and stored. This article highlights how asset managers can mitigate against new operational risks by having a strong risk control framework in place and a targeted insurance policy.
Smith & Nephew: An extraordinary risk management journey
FM Global “instrumental” in Smith & Nephew’s recovery from tidal surge devastation and improved resilience through flood defence implementation.
Don’t let a storm blow away your profits this hurricane season
Protecting the bottom line in order to remain open, or to re open quickly after a hurricane disaster requires taking steps now to prevent or reduce damage, should your business be in the path of a violent storm. This article provides advice to businesses and shares links to external resources.