163 whitepapers and resources
CII policy briefing: Cyber and the City
A report on cyber risk 'Cyber and The City', argues that firms across the industry need to take urgent action on cyber risk to ensure the UK continues to be a secure base for the world's leading financial centre. This briefing provides a headline summary of the key aspects of the report.
CII Thinkpiece: The UK’s European Union Referendum June 2016
On 23rd June the British population will be given the opportunity to vote to remain or leave the European Community. This CII Thinkpiece provides views from the opposing campaigns of the EU referendum, Britain Stronger in Europe and Vote Leave.
The Insurance Act 2015: An implementation guide
The Insurance Act 2015 is a real game changer for the industry and will govern every business insurance contract placed, renewed or amended under UK law on or after 12th August 2016. The essential aim of this guide is to equip brokers to cope with the challenges posed by the new regime.
Research state of the young insurer nation: Joining the industry
For Post’s first research project of 2016, Michèle Bacchus asks 52 young insurer employees why they joined the sector, where they think the industry is heading and whether they want to be a part of its future.
A broker's guide to the Insurance Act 2015
This guide to the Insurance Act contains information on what brokers need to be doing ahead of the implementation on 12th August 2016. It covers the changes which the Act will introduce including fair presentation of risk, remedies, warranties and conditions, fraudulent claims and contracting out.
Flexibility and control in insurance operations
To better understand the control and flexibility challenges facing insurance companies today, this whitepaper focuses on three key areas: underwriting, compliance and customer service.
FOIL Update - Brexit: The issues for insurers and their lawyers
Reading the press at the moment you’ll see that the outcome of the Brexit vote is predicted to affect everything from premiership football teams to the safety of pharmaceuticals. This article looks at the key issues from an insurance industry perspective.
Brexit – Considerations for insurance and reinsurance companies
This information sheet highlights considerations for insurers and reinsurers in the event of Brexit - Britain's exit from the European Union (EU), the occurrence of which is subject to a referendum in June 2016.
Price optimisation for insurance - optimising price; destroying value?
Price optimisation is on the rise in UK insurance, driven by the insight that underwriters gain from big data. In his latest Thinkpiece, Duncan Minty considers how these events might influence the FCA’s current market study on big data, and how insurers might prepare for the regulator’s response.
Ethical culture: Developing a culture of responsibility in a regulated environment
This CII report considers how financial services regulation impacts on the development of an ethical culture. It covers the introduction of the Senior Insurance Mangers Regime and the Senior Managers & Certification Regime for banking.