Business Management
2114 whitepapers and resources
Business Management - White papers related to Business Management
Are hotels and hospitality more vulnerable to breach?
The hotels and hospitality industry has built a business model of many contact points with their customers. However, the various touch points have left companies vulnerable to serious cyber breaches. This article highlights how companies can reduce exposures and ensure that they have adequate cover.
Video: Which cover and why?
When it comes to insurance, it’s important that organisations involved in the provision of care, support and advice for disadvantaged or vulnerable people get the right cover. This video provides a brief explanation of the types of cover a care organisation might need to consider.
Political risk insurance and the Insurance Development Forum
Creating durable insurance markets within emerging market countries is critical to advancing stability. This article highlights how political risk insurance can be used to facilitate financing for crucial infrastructure projects and associated commercial development in emerging market countries.
Water, water everywhere: Escape of water
When water escapes at a property, it can damage furnishings and installations and cause significant business interruption. This article looks at the common causes of escape of water and the practical steps residential and commercial property owners can take to reduce the risk.
Valentine's Day – our devotion to jewellery
An impressive £1.6bn is estimated to be spent by couples on Valentine’s Day each year, with a significant proportion spent on jewellery. This article looks at how you can ensure that you are properly protecting the things you treasure.
Marine cargo insurance: A market on the move
This whitepaper explains the reasons for marine cargo insurance and the different circumstances for when this may be required, as well as examining some topical issues for the market. Topics covered: an explanation of incoterms; insurance cover available; case studies of marine insurance incidents.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Are you ready?
With GDPR coming into effect on 25th May, the sooner businesses begin to take action to meet the regime’s requirements, the better prepared they will be. Designed for brokers, this guide focuses on the scope of GDPR, its key principles and the steps businesses should be taking now.
GDPR: A great catalyst for enhancing customer experience
Ahead of its implementation on May 25th 2018, GDPR is one of the top board agenda items of every impacted organisation today. This whitepaper highlights why the real beneficiaries will be companies that put customer experience at the forefront of their delivery plan and approach.
Reinventing insurance for the mobile generation: Will blockchain secure the future of insurers over the tech giants?
This whitepaper studies how blockchain technology offers the potential to break down many of the structural issues that have created frictions and a lack of trust in insurance markets. The paper looks at how blockchain can reshape the insurance landscape before assessing the challenges and risks.
Insurance Distribution Directive: Are you ready?
The Insurance Distribution Directive or IDD for short is the new European Union directive covering the sale and advice of insurance products. This article sheds light on when the IDD comes into effect and the implications for the UK insurance broking profession.