51 whitepapers and resources
Pricing practices in the retail general insurance sector: Household insurance
This report sets out the key findings of the FCA’s thematic work on the pricing practices of household insurance firms. It then details our expectations of firms and our next steps.
Promise and potential: How data and analytics are shaping the UK home insurance market
LexisNexis Risk Solutions recently completed a comprehensive study on how digitisation is affecting UK home insurers. This report examines current views on the role and potential of data and analytics within the home insurance industry.
Home insurance: Application acceleration - Prefill and automation
How do homeowners feel about their data being used by insurance providers for the purpose of prefilling application forms when applying for cover? This report sheds light on the findings from LexisNexis Risk Solutions’ survey and insurers’ views on the use of prefill and contributory databases.
Tales of the unexpected: Rare book risk management
Rare books, antique books, first editions and the like can raise large sums of money – and become priceless possessions for their owners. This article highlights the major risks to collections of rare books, the risk management steps that owners can take and the insurance solutions available.
For art in transit, using specialists is a smart move
Without proper care, fine art inventory in motion can present a big risk of damage or loss. This article highlights the advantages of using specialists in art logistics to transport inventory any why stand-alone insurance coverage is preferable to protect fine art in a wide variety of situations.
Infographic: How data and analytics are shaping the UK home insurance market
Based on research conducted by LexisNexis, this infographic highlights: how home insurers are benefiting from data and analytics today; areas where data and analytics can be better utilised; what insurers see as the top five data sources of the future; the value of contributory databases.
Video: Insurtech partnerships - Neos
In this video, Chris Mansfield of Neos and George Bladon of ARAG talk about the partnership between the two companies and how ARAG came to be selected as the innovative insurtech startup's home emergency and legal expenses insurance provider.
How UK home insurers are meeting the future: Challenges, priorities and trends
A recent study by LexisNexis revealed that managing profitability was the key focus area for UK home insurers, whilst better understanding and managing the risk profile of their book, and increased price competition were cited as significant challenges. Download this report to find out more.
Infographic: How UK home insurers are meeting the future - Challenges, priorities and trends
Based on input from home insurance professionals, this infographic illustrates the key priorities and challenges, as well as the top trends facing UK home insurers today. Topics covered: transforming markets; putting customers first; smart home technology; mobile and digitisation.
Family cyber cover: Keeping policyholders safe in a connected digital world
Technology has reshaped the threat landscape for households. This whitepaper sheds light on why cyber protection is critical to help families offset the costs of cyber crime, three key issues that cyber cover must address and the essential components of a good product mix.