Technology Trends
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Technology Trends
Sea-change: How technology is changing the transportation of goods
The insurance market is continually exploring ways to help make the management and transfer of risks associated with transporting cargo more efficient. This article highlights how technological developments are transforming the way marine cargo risks are assessed, managed, priced and transferred.
The currency of cyber trust - your customers' attitudes to cyber security
This two page report highlights how effective cyber security is not only essential to insurance companies’ ability to innovate through technology, it’s now an important element of customer engagement.
Insurance reconciliation research
Out-dated and manually intensive collection and reconciliation systems have a stranglehold on the insurance sector, stopping companies from getting any satisfaction from the moving feast of payments. This whitepaper sheds light on how the industry is managing this financial merry-go-round.
The road ahead for autonomous vehicles
It's only a matter of time until the majority of vehicles on our roads have some autonomous capabilities. Before this can happen, there are a lot of issues that need to be worked out to ensure safety and protect road users. Download this article to find out more.
Future-proofing LEI
ARAG recently took part in a study to explore the design of products for the gig economy. This short article briefly highlights how ARAG applied learnings from the study to design Family Legal Solutions and Home Emergency Assistance products for hosting services on behalf of Acorn Insurance.
Infographic: Prefill for home insurance - Faster, accurate and preferable
Based on the results of a recent LexisNexis Risk Solutions survey, this infographic illustrates consumer attitudes to having their data shared to prefill home insurance applications.
Accelerating digital transformation in the insurance industry
The insurance industry is in transition, shifting from a traditional numbers-based industry to a high-tech industry driving customer experiences and outcomes. This report studies the factors driving change and the challenges that must be overcome for insurers to accelerate digital transformation.
Commercial property insurance infographic: Opening up to data enrichment and contributory databases
Lexis Nexis Risk Solutions’ recent survey revealed that commercial property insurance specialists recognise the potential for data to improve business processes. This infographic illustrates attitudes and perceptions of contributory databases and data enrichment.
How more open attitudes to data enrichment and contributory databases could boost profits for commercial property insurance providers
Research conducted by LexisNexis underlines the growing understanding within the insurance sector of the value that use of data enrichment techniques and contributory databases could offer commercial property insurance providers. Download this report for analysis of the research findings.
Future trends 2018: Catalysing the shift to Digital Insurance 2.0
The next wave of growth and value creation for insurers will be from their ability to rapidly move to Digital Insurance 2.0. This whitepaper sheds light on the latest trends and why survival and winning will require rapid adaptability and innovation.