GMC Software
GMC empowers companies around the world to drive more efficient and effective customer communications. We offer the only single-design solution for all channels and we span the entire customer journey. In today’s competitive market, each client interaction is relevant and every message is key to building strong relationships. Our solution sets the standard for this new era by bringing to market actionable innovations faster and smarter than anyone else in the industry. We provide the competitive advantage companies are searching for in a market shaped by rapidly changing consumer technology. With over 20 years of experience, 1,600 clients across 60 countries and one of the largest CCM focused R&D team GMC delivers on those expectations. Organizations within Healthcare, Insurance and Financial Services have all relied on GMC to streamline their processes in order to create high touch communications, experience timely return on investment both through the elimination of redundancies, increasing customer loyalty and extending lifetime value.
All content by GMC Software
How to connect with the Millennial market
Penetration into the under-30s insurance market remains low despite new app-based products and innovative solutions. Post, in association with GMC software, hosted a roundtable to find out what more the industry can do to address this. This article provides a summary of the discussion.
Insurance and customer communications management: Give consumers what they want
This paper explores the significant shift in consumer communication expectations, the traditional hurdles that insurers face and how these can be overcome with a broad CCM vision based on practical, achievable business goals.
Making the business case for mobile insurance
For many insurers, mobile has moved from being a fun experiment to a crucial element in the customer experience. Based on insights from mobile insurance executives, this report serves as a guide for justifying mobile insurance technology investments.