Financial Conduct Authority
The Financial Conduct Authority is the conduct regulator for 59,000 financial services firms and financial markets in the UK and the prudential supervisor for 49,000 firms, setting specific standards for 19,000 firms.
All content by Financial Conduct Authority
Increasing transparency and engagement at renewal in general insurance markets
We have had concerns about poor consumer outcomes arising from pricing practices at the point of renewal in general insurance. This policy statement reports on the main issues arising from consultation paper 15/41, 'Increasing transparency and engagement at renewal in general insurance markets'.
Thematic review: Principals and their appointed representatives in the general insurance sector
This report sets out the findings from our thematic review of principal firms and their appointed representatives in the general insurance sector. The review focused on principal firms’ understanding of their responsibilities for their appointed representatives and oversight of their activities.
Rules and guidance on payment protection insurance complaints: feedback on CP15/39 and further consultation
This FCA paper outlines feedback received on our proposals in CP15/39, gives responses to that feedback, highlights areas where we have amended our proposals because of feedback, sets out revised proposed rules and guidance reflecting those amendments and outlines what happens next.
FCA regulated fees and levies: Insurers’ tariff data for 2017/18
In this consultation paper the FCA sets out proposals for a transitional provision covering insurers’ tariff data. This will be used to calculate insurers’ FCA periodic fees and the Financial Ombudsman Service annual levies for 2017/18.
Thematic review: Fair treatment of long-standing customers in the life insurance sector
The FCA conducted a thematic review to assess how firms were operating their investment-based life insurance product closed-books and to determine if they were treating their closed-book customers fairly. This paper sets out how the FCA conducted its review, key findings and expectations for firms.