
126 whitepapers and resources


Sprinklers - the potential life and property saver

There has been a general decrease in fire incidents over the last 30 years, however, fires remain devastating events, and in the same period, the cost per fire has substantially grown. This article highlights how sprinkler systems provide important and often critical protection when things go wrong.

Water, water everywhere: Escape of water

When water escapes at a property, it can damage furnishings and installations and cause significant business interruption. This article looks at the common causes of escape of water and the practical steps residential and commercial property owners can take to reduce the risk.

Video case study: Repairing water damage

A shower in the Aziz family’s custom-built home sprung a leak and damaged multiple floors of the house. This video looks at how Chubb installed the Aziz family in a temporary home quickly and resolved two unrelated incidents with the utmost speed.

Drones and their role in claims

Using drones may seem either a little futuristic, something for hobbyists, or an extreme way to get a selfie, but the fact is that they have already become a part of how we deal with claims. This article discusses drones and the part they are already playing in the claims process.