Insurance Post

Insurance Post has, since 1840, been delivering business-critical information for the general insurance market. Considered essential reading by senior managers in the sector, Insurance Post’s strength lies in the breadth and depth of its coverage across insurance, broking, claims, technology and risk management.

Asbestos: The toxic truth

Although some say the legal landscape is less adversarial, the number of asbestos disease claims is rising – but are insurers as guilty of drawing out the process as they stand accused? Post's article investigates.

Vulnerable customers: Access at a price

How businesses treat vulnerable customers has been the subject of concentrated focus by the Financial Conduct Authority and insurance trade bodies over the past 12 months. Insurers deny giving disabled customers a raw deal, but could they be doing more? Post’s article investigates.

ABI: On the ropes?

A loss of members has raised concerns about the future of the ABI, but is the esteemed trade association weakened – or poised to make a resurgence? Post's article investigates.

Risk management: What next for risk?

After the PRA approved many internal models for Solvency II capital calculation, insurers can't sit back and admire the fruits of their labour. With underwriting standards, setting reserves and corporate governance on the PRA’s radar in 2016, this article looks at how insurers can get a head start.