Insurance Post

Insurance Post has, since 1840, been delivering business-critical information for the general insurance market. Considered essential reading by senior managers in the sector, Insurance Post’s strength lies in the breadth and depth of its coverage across insurance, broking, claims, technology and risk management.

Blog: Keeping up with the customers

Customer expectations have changed. Technological advances in the past five to 10 years have refocused entire industries on providing ‘real-time’ customer care. This blog post explains that while insurance businesses are notoriously complex, customers now want immediate and precise answers.

Blog: How artificial intelligence will simplify insurance

While insurance is becoming ever more complex, insurers are being disrupted by digitally-led start-ups simplifying what insurers do for customers. Mike Downing, CTO for the WPA Group, envisages long and complex policies with drawn-out claims processes becoming history in the not-too-distant future.

Roundtable: How will brokers stay ahead in business?

At a time when regulation and taxes are weighing heavily on their operations, brokers find they have to adapt to the digital age. At a Post roundtable, in association with SSP, they discussed how they can leverage new technologies to better serve their customers and thus stay relevant.

What is really driving the motor industry today?

With trials of driverless car fleets now occupying our national roads, the motor sector is getting an upgrade like never before, whilst new entrants are causing insurers to tighten their seat belts. What is really driving the motor industry today? Michèle Bacchus decided to take a closer look.